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  • #31
    So to continue the story, I dropped the car off at the repairer today and they were taking the side of the insurance company with repairing the bar and not replacing it after I talked about the strength of the alloy bar being compromised due to the accident and that I drive in remote areas quite often and would rather have the bar replaced instead of repaired. I tried to get them on side but they too just like the insurance company assessment centre were only interested in repairing the bar.

    I then mentioned the possibility of having my insurance company pay me out for the repair cost, so I could use it towards purchasing a new bull bar. That was when the repairer showed me the quote they submitted to my insurance company to the value of $280 for the repair. I couldn't believe it. They obviously went in with the cheapest quote to win the job. My bull bar was bent at both the wings, the centre tube was slightly bent out of alignment and new steel brackets were needed. They said the bar would be sand blasted and polished, the guard was dislodged and the white panel above the front left tyre was slightly kinked. All that fixed for $280?? I don't think so. He did mention that if they did find more damage after pulling things off then the bill goes up obviously, and if upon further inspection the bull bar needed to be replaced then they'd do that too. But for the time being he was only focused on repairing it for next to nothing (even though the accident wasn't my fault). I gave him a quote I received from a 4wd store for a cheap steel bull bar in black should they want to replace it as it was half the cost of an alloy bar. He took it just in case but still said it's not likely they'll replace the bar. And not likely the insurance company would pay me the repair cost towards purchasing a new bar.

    I also pointed out the fact that the front 3 bolts holding in the bash plate were stripped out from the impact of the collision. The left and middle ones were stripped almost all the way out and the right hand one had fallen out. He was quick to jump on that too and blame it on corrosion as the bolts don’t strip out of bash plates from collisions. I know that they did because they’ve always been in there tight for all the years I’ve owned the car and then they were loose and one was missing after the collision. But he knew best obviously and the only corrosion on those bolts was a light orange coloured surface to the thread and that’s it.

    I’ve decided that if they choose to the repair the bar and not replace it then I’m cancelling my insurance policy asap afterwards and opening up a new one with someone else as this isn’t how you should treat someone who’s had a 15 year insurance policy with the one company. I was involved in 4 accidents I think prior to 2003 and only one of which was my fault. The insurance company never knew about that one because I paid the $2,300 for the repairs myself. Of the two accidents I was involved in since 6 months ago, I had to pay the excess for one because my rear bumper was damaged after being parked in a shopping centre carpark. I didn’t have any details of who did it. And now this one where I was hit by another car on a roundabout where they had turned across from the outside lane into my lane in front of me.
    2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


    • #32
      Well If you have time and the car is still drivable don't let this go away so easily.
      All the insurance companies have their internal dispute departments and get them involve. If not happy with the outcome you can go to the ombudsman.

      I have to go through all this when my corolla was damaged in the hail storm.
      but with the ombudsman's help I got them to write it off.

      bloody tossers!!!
      [COLOR=#3E3E3E][URL=""]2012 Altitude TD Auto - Silver[/URL] [/COLOR]


      • #33
        Thanks for that, Shan. The car is still perfectly drivable, and my concern with them from the beginning has been that the bar is compromised in strength due to a collision which bent it in several places. And that I don't think a repair would cut it if I was to strike 4 to 5 foot high wildlife at 100km/h. The bar's done it's job. It's bent and damaged and I believe needs to be replaced. I've let them know of one of the cheapest steel bars available, including price and model number, but they still don't want to go down that road.
        2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Brett1979 View Post
          Thanks for that, Shan. The car is still perfectly drivable, and my concern with them from the beginning has been that the bar is compromised in strength due to a collision which bent it in several places. And that I don't think a repair would cut it if I was to strike 4 to 5 foot high wildlife at 100km/h. The bar's done it's job. It's bent and damaged and I believe needs to be replaced.
          Any bar would bend easily second time around and you don't have to be a expert to figure that out. They are not designed to straiten up and re-use. Don't let them cut corners, specially when it's a safety concern. Again I say try the internal dispute resolution (IDR they call it) and then the next step ombudsman. Cost nothing except time and few phone calls.

          Push it hard and you'll get what you want !! It's a shame but that's how Insurance companies work !!
          [COLOR=#3E3E3E][URL=""]2012 Altitude TD Auto - Silver[/URL] [/COLOR]


          • #35
            Im wtih Shan Brett, ring the Insurer and ask to speak with the IDR Officer. Complain about the method of repair and suggest it is unsafe and the Insurer confirm that the 'patch-up' will meet ADR's.

            The IDR officer has very clear directions and timeframes and you will have an answer in writing, which can be referred to Financial Ombudsman Service if you're still not happy.

            2008 GXL D4D Auto. GOING... GOING... GONE
            2015 GXL 1GD Auto. And it begins again...


            • #36
              I picked the car up from the repairer late this afternoon and as suspected they just repaired the bull bar. They didn't even have anyone go over the repairs with me afterwards. The receptionist told me the car was parked in the front carpark, the key was in the iginiton, and that if I could have a look at the repair job before I left I could then advise her if I wasn't happy with anything. I had a quick 3 second look and left. The bull bar was bent back into shape and looks how it was prior to the accident but it's still not a new bull bar which was my No.1 concern from the beginning. I tried calling the existing claims dept when I got home but was too late. I'm going to call tomorrow and speak to the IDR officer to take it further. I've had an insurance policy with the same company for 15 years and I don't think my treatment's been fair.
              2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


              • #37
                Immediately within a day for the next few days of picking up the car from the repairer I tried calling the insurer but was a few minutes too late with calling each time as the car insurance dept. had finished for the day.

                13/12/11 (early afternoon)
                I called the insurer and explained entire story of why I was unhappy with the bull bar being repaired and not replaced. I asked to speak to the IDR officer. The insurer said they'd have the assessment centre call me back within 24 hrs because it was the correct procedure to follow.

                16/12/11 (9am approx)
                I phoned the insurer and explained entire story again because I didn't hear back from the assessment centre. I mentioned I didn't expect a call to be honest and believe they'll continue to fob me off until I let the matter go. The insurer said they sent the assessment centre a detailed message and that they'd call me back the same day. The lady also referred the case to her manager. I explained further how I wasn't happy with my treatment with this matter considering I'd been a member for 15 years and that the assessment centre quashed any mention I made of having the alloy bull bar replaced given it was bent from an accident I didn't cause. The repairer was the same and only wanted to bend it back into shape at minimal cost. I believed they won the job with the cheapest quote and thus wanted to keep the costs down close to the amount they quoted in order to win further work.

                19/12/11 (11am)
                I phoned the insurer to explain the story again because the assessment centre never called back. The same person who took my query today was the same person on Friday. She said she'll get her manager to call me back today because I told them I wanted to bypass the assessment centre completely because they'll never call me back. When asked, I explained again why I wanted the bull bar replaced because it has been compromised in strength due to the accident and the bar would bend easily the 2nd time round. Combined with the fact that I didn't cause the accident and what was a perfectly good bull bar was bent from the accident, then bent back into shape to "look good." I think I'm entitle to a replacement that hasn't been bent back into shape after an accident.

                We'll see if this manager calls me back. They're not interested in letting me speak to the IDR officer though whatsoever (that is if they have one).
                2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


                • #38
                  Brett, they most certainly will have an IDR officer, they are required to.

                  When the Manager calls back, ask why you have been twice refused access to the IDR process. Also suggest you confirm that person is the approved IDR officer and request a formal dispute be lodged, the Insurer cannot refuse access to IDR and must respond in writing.

                  If you do not receive a call back, suggest you call the Financial Ombusman Service and outline that you are being refused access to their IDR process, FOS will contact your Insurer if necessary.

                  2008 GXL D4D Auto. GOING... GOING... GONE
                  2015 GXL 1GD Auto. And it begins again...


                  • #39
                    Brett, you just have to keep reminding yourself that insurance companies don't make money by paying out and will do everything they can to wear you down in the hope you will give up.

                    Many years ago I had a young fella on a motorbike pull out in front of me - he was on a small side road and was turning right across me onto a main road. He didn't even look to see if anything was coming but pulled out so close in front of me I couldn't avoid hitting him on his right side. Lucky for him I hit just behind his leg. His insurance company first claimed he had turned right onto the main road, I had crossed over the centre line and drove into the front of him. I wrote back asking how the damage was to the right side of the bike (not the front) and why the skid marks were all on the left side of the road. They next claimed he had turned left onto the main road and I had driven into the back of him - again I asked how the damage was to the right side of the bike (not the back), also pointed out that they had changed their story.

                    Eventually they did pay out in full but that was the short version - it took me months and more letters than you can poke a stick at. They were just trying it on to see if I would give up.


                    • #40
                      The guy at the assessment centre called back late yesterday afternoon and was very apologetic for not getting calling me sooner. He said the employee who inspected my car at the repairers was not the person who normally does it as the owner was away on holidays at the time. The assessment centre guy was basically pushing all the blame onto them and playing dumb as though he knew nothing which was really bizarre. As I mentioned to him and the repairer originally, I again said I would've even been happy to be paid out for the repairs to put towards a new bull bar. He said he'll speak to someone and get back to me soon.

                      I then had a phone call early this morning on my way to work from a manager at the insurance company who said the bull bar was never bent and it was only pushed across at the brackets. I know it was bent as you could clearly see it but I never took pictures unfortunately because I didn't think I'd need to. I explained that it was at the place of impact and he repeated what he previously said and stood to his guns by saying it was never bent. What can you do when they pull that on you.... I'm done with this matter and am going to change insurance companies. That's big business mentality for you and when they word it like that you're not going to get anywhere with them and it'll be a never ending battle. I'm going to cancel my policy tomorrow and join with Suncorp because that's who my wife's with.
                      2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


                      • #41
                        Brett, Repairers have to take photos of the damaged vehicle when they prepare the quotes and should submit them to the insurance company for approval. You can ask them to show those pics to prove the bar was not bent. I still believes you should contact IDR.
                        [COLOR=#3E3E3E][URL=""]2012 Altitude TD Auto - Silver[/URL] [/COLOR]


                        • #42
                          The manager asked me if I took pictures, and I said no. He said then said that he looked at the pictures and has spoken to the repairers who're the experts and said, "your bull bar was not bent." It was only pushed across at the brackets and had scratches on the corner where the impact occurred." I know I was 100% right in continuously chasing it up with them saying it was bent because it was, but at this point I'd sooner just walk away when he words it like that to me because it'd be a long uphill battle trying to get an IDR officer to see reason after they speak to the manager and get his "version" with the no come back disclaimer wording. They've manipulated what the damage actually was from the pictures and blamed it all on brackets which only cost $100. Bending the wings straight again and polishing the impact zone all up only costs $250-$300 approx. They'd sooner lose a 15 year policy holder than fix the issue the way they should've from the beginning. It just sux that I've got to continue to see their logo on the jersey of my favourite NRL club. I'm just dumb founded with their attitude with all this. It's unbelievable. Pray no one runs into your car when you're insured by these jerks because they'll still only want to fix it the cheapest way possible and to hell with their clients.
                          2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


                          • #43
                            Hi Brett, I'm wondering who your favorite NRL team is??
                            Years ago I made an insurance claim for theft of contents from home. Initially I dealt with the assessor, but very quickly they started showing their true colours. I mentioned this to my insurance broker who immediately took over and completed the claim on my behalf, to my satisfaction. The broker was worth his weight in gold....
                            I've also dealt with the ombudsman, not for insurance, but had my problem resolved very quickly.


                            • #44
                              Hey Hoops,
                              I kept asking to speak to the IDR officer time and time again and they kept denying me access. Other insurance companies couldn't believe it when I told them the story when ringing around for prices. They all asked because they were shocked to learn I was changing insurance companies after 15 years. I'm not one to force an issue with exhaustive argument so in the end they did have their way. I'm annoyed at myself for not getting forceful with them but in the end I'm just glad I've cut my ties to them.

                              When I called them to get a copy of the policy statement emailed to me for my new insurance company the person on the other end of the line asked all about the situation again and I explained it briefly knowing I was wasting my breath. He asked if I'd come back to them at a reduced price from what I was paying and I said no I'll never hold a policy with your company again. Then 2 weeks later they sent me an email asking all sorts of questions about the incident and claim process from start to finish. I deleted the email as it pissed me off that they even sent it. The same email appeared in my inbox 1 week later with the opening paragraph mentioning they hadn't received my response. I replied to their lengthy email and answered all their questions honestly. The last question asked if I'd be willing to allow them to call me to discuss further. I left my mobile number and said they can call between 9am and late 7 days a week. I'm yet to hear from them.
                              2005 120 series V6 Grande, 2 inch susp lift (King/EFS combo), 32 inch MT’s, Safari Snorkel, rear diff lock, breathers, Light Force spotlights, UHF, dual batteries.


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