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  • #31
    Originally posted by glen_ep View Post
    It's true, we are lacking some sticky's for common questions, especially in the 90 series section.
    Mid there is a specific and useful thread that should be a sticky please let myself or another moderator know and we shall look into it in a timely manner.
    2014 D4D 150 GXL Automatic - CHARCOAL


    • #32
      Originally posted by MrStardust View Post
      I was horrified to get a blatant 'lmgtfy' response and have the thread closed immediately, for my second post.

      Interestingly, the answers weren't really covered in that google search. Maybe they were, but in reality, the google searches web-wide hadn't really uncovered the answers I was looking for, so the same search limited to just pradopoint was going to help me
      about as much as mobile phone in the middle of the simpson.

      I though a forum was a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged . . maybe provoke contributions from others who had experienced something. I've pretty much given up looking for my answers on Pradopoint, rather as a newbie, I'll just sit back and lurk. Not really what a forum is about . . .

      <heads back to lurking>
      If you have a particular issue with the way a question was responded to then you should be raising the issue with an admin or moderator. There are multiple moderators and admins, an issue with one can be addressed by another.

      However, without being familiar with the term you use, if the question you posted was viewed at the time to perhaps have been covered or be directly related to, then it most likely should have been added to the existing thread.

      While the moderators and admins endeavour to do the right thing, we are human too and make mistakes as well.

      Again this should be addressed at the time.
      2014 D4D 150 GXL Automatic - CHARCOAL


      • #33
        Originally posted by kav View Post
        yep like ive mentioned before , the search engine is useless , and the regulars get tired of the same dumb questions like where is the centre headrest ? or why is my diesel auto slow and why does it blow black smoke when i mash my foot to the floor is this normal ? or how much fuel will my v6 suck down while towing a 40ft caravan around the world ? hang on how about a new thread for the most ridiculous questions , like if i put the wheels off a caterpillar minning truck on my prado will it affect the handling adversely . come on i bet MLC will have a couple of mildly amusing questions .
        I missed you Kav, where have you been lurking, I mean hiding?
        It would be a good thread and yes, I have one or two..... million one liner questions. More importantly though I watching as to how this issue and a few others concerning new members pans out.

        I admit being frustrated by the same question that that be put into 2 or 3 categories for each new member. That said I ignore the question which I thought was the best way to deal with it. Admins usually type up a message and close the thread which made sense too, well it did to me, BUT, whatever action we take should not discourage people. In doing so they miss the value of this forum, my fantastic humour (see there's an example of it) and your funny retorts to my half arsed efforts.

        The only answers I can come up with are longer than this post to explain and even then will be unlikely to keep everyone happy.

        PS agree with the search comments too, I have tried to direct questions to answers I as well as others have previously provided and I fail to search the post I know is there!

        mlc - befuzzled.

        PS Kav, those tyres will be fine, just adjust your cv's by installing a diff drop/spacer kit comprising 4 x 44 gallon drums.
        [B][COLOR=blue]Bitumen: A blatant waste of taxpayers money![/COLOR][/B]
        [URL=""]My rig buildup[/URL] [URL=""]Mundaring Power Lines Jan 01[/URL] [URL=""]You Tube Video Morgan Quarry[/URL]


        • #34
          Originally posted by MrStardust View Post
          Guys, I'm new to this forum - have introduced myself and all in my first post in the introductions thread.

          I've probably used forums before, I've probably used search functions and advanced search functions just like most of you long timers. In fact, I'm quite well acquainted with google, which is how I found pradopoint.

          I know that I 'lurked' as a guest for quite a bit of time prior to joining, spent more time lurking as a member before I stepped up to the plate to do my intro. All this in the name of research for my Prado purchase.

          Am I new to 4wding? No.
          Have I setup a rig for touring before? Yes.

          I was horrified to get a blatant 'lmgtfy' response and have the thread closed immediately, for my second post.

          Interestingly, the answers weren't really covered in that google search. Maybe they were, but in reality, the google searches web-wide hadn't really uncovered the answers I was looking for, so the same search limited to just pradopoint was going to help me
          about as much as mobile phone in the middle of the simpson.

          I though a forum was a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged . . maybe provoke contributions from others who had experienced something. I've pretty much given up looking for my answers on Pradopoint, rather as a newbie, I'll just sit back and lurk. Not really what a forum is about . . .

          <heads back to lurking>
          OK so you introduced yourself with your first post, excellent start and I note one of the members took the time to welcome you aboard as a fellow Brisbanite (if thats a word).

          So your second post you start a new thread, which is not nescessarily wrong, but an admin thinks maybe a simple search or asking in an existing thread might be more appropriate so does the auto google thing. Looking at the search results provided from that I would have thought you could easily work out the answer to your question, or have realised there were a number of existing threads that you could have asked the question in.

          But you were "Horrified".......... Really? Horrified? No one swore at you, abused you, told you to go jump, they just pointed you in the direction of the answers you seek.

          Your third post is to say that you are horrified by this and as such are not going to contribute anymore. I don't mean to sound harsh but you sound like a spoiled kid taking his bat and ball and going home after the first little thing didn't go the way you had hoped!

          There is so much you can get from this forum, but like most things in life you get more out of it the more you put into it.

          Cheers Andrew
          [COLOR="#FF0000"]So Long and Thanks for all the Fish![/COLOR]

          [url=]MY PRADO AND DIY CAMPER TRAILER[/url]

          [url=]MY HZJ79 Landcrusier[/url]



          • #35
            Give it a go (Brett) MrStardust. It's a bit rich after just one month and two posts to form such an opinion or adverse view, and to judge the forum or others just because of one post. The response from amts appears as much helpful as it is tongue-in-cheek.

            Have you read the Rules yet, or the other threads that are there to assist new members of the forum to contribute, and be a part of, this forum community?

            There are already threads that could be used for your question. See even:, which appears in the General Discussion forum area, not too far below the RULES on the first page.

            Sure the thread gets closed. But do you always just pick up your ball and leave the game when a free kick goes against you? You've asked a follow-up question - great. You could always contact a Moderator for advice too.

            This is an active, social and very informative forum. The Pradopoint GTG's are positive proof just how much this 'community' is there to support and enjoy each others company, good humour and practical assistance. Hopefully, you'll see this too.

            As an aside, I recall others (including myself) suggesting we have a newbie "first question" thread where any newbie might post their first (virgin) forum question, no matter what the question is. This way, we don't have multiple new threads being created by newbies who have a question but aren't yet too sure of where or how to ask it. It also provides a safe forum for them to do so and others to quickly 'point them in the right direction'. Maybe the mods might want to re-consider this?

            My 2c.

            Oh - and welcome to the forum MrStardust.
            [/SIZE][/B][COLOR=#000040][B][SIZE=1]Love the Outback............. Love my Prado.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
            [I][SIZE=1][URL=""]My Prado[/URL][/SIZE][/I], [I][SIZE=1][URL=""]My Extras[/URL][/SIZE][/I]
            [B]4wdriving First Party[/B][COLOR=#0000ff] - [/COLOR][B][COLOR=#0000ff]dןǝɥ ɹoɟ ןןɐɔ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı[/COLOR][/B]


            • #36
              Originally posted by AJ120 View Post

              but like most things in life you get more out of it the more you put into it.

              Cheers Andrew
              That doesn't apply to marriage....My wife doesn't read this so I can write that.

              White 2009 120 Series D4D GXL manual.


              • #37
                Originally posted by winniliss View Post
                That doesn't apply to marriage....My wife doesn't read this so I can write that.
                And exactly how much have you been putting into your wife

                Don't answer that, I really don't need to know.

                Cheers Andrew
                [COLOR="#FF0000"]So Long and Thanks for all the Fish![/COLOR]

                [url=]MY PRADO AND DIY CAMPER TRAILER[/url]

                [url=]MY HZJ79 Landcrusier[/url]



                • #38
                  Originally posted by winniliss View Post
                  That doesn't apply to marriage....My wife doesn't read this so I can write that.
                  MLC more of that rapier like wit of yours

                  On a serious note in the past I haven't been a forum member this is the only forum I participate in. I have gained a wealth of knowledge and more importantly met and made a lot of friends through Pradopoint.

                  Yes sometimes I have had some less than favorable discussions but these have been far and few between and have resolved amicably.

                  So Mr. Starburst keep an eye out for the SE Qld trips that will arise and if you like attend and I'm sure you will see the value of the Pradopoint community.

                  I will continue to participate in the forum as it changes and look forward to the knowledge, friends and light hearted banter that it provides.

                  See ya on the tracks, Richo.

                  PS: AJ120 we are Queenslanders not Brisbanites
                  [B]Former [/B]Party Leader, [B]Now[/B] SDO SEQLD GTG 2015 PFA (Pradopoint Fairy Advisor)
                  [B]Bitumen - A Blatant Waste of Taxpayers Money[/B]


                  • #39
                    yep i just noticed another one . YAWNINGS ! ho hum . how many pages have been dedicated to that one . did nothing come up in the search engine ? if not then WHY NOT ? jesus ! when i joined this site , sorry , before i joined this site i surfed it for 3 weeks for 3 + hours a day , just checking all the great info before asking a question . i didn't need to ask anything . oh yeah , i also READ THE F*%#ING MANUAL when i bought the car . that must be what RTFM stands for in my signature . sorry to be the grumpy old prick in this thread but this is partly why a lot of the older contributors are tuning out . its getting dull . and god forbid you write something like this , you'll get banned for being a cyber bully or a troll . or a drunk , whaaaaaaaaat
                    03 grande v6 , with added stuff that makes it go places . RTFM people !
                    founding member of the " you don't need all that crap on a prado association "
                    "you only use 15% of your brain " Einstein . " so why not burn off the other 85% " Cheech & Chong .
                    petrol , petrol ,petrol , you know it makes sense ! im kavpetrolbitch


                    • #40
                      Well im on no ones side. I can see how new members to the forum may come up blank when searching for answers and maby why older members may get irritated with the same questions. The search results do throw up a multitude of threads and weather they are actually informative to the question or not is a hit and miss thing with what people want and what is actually typed into the search bar and advanced tools. I read a great tip from another member which I use all the time and that is to type the searchable words into google with prado point at the end. Its just another way of unlocking the vast knowledge the forum holds without potentially annoying others who cant stand to see another re hashed thread. In any case I still welcome new people and questions as in many cases it adds a set of fresh eyes and perspectives to old problems. If seeing the same thread question ever was to annoy me then I simply dont read it.

                      [B]Prado 120 Series Build; [/B][U][url][/url][/U]
                      [B]Customline Off Road Deluxe CT Build; [/B][U][url][/url][/U]
                      [B]WS Tarpon 120 Kayak Build; [/B][U][url][/url][/U]


                      • #41
                        One of the fundamental issues I see being raised here is that newbies complain about not finding the answers they want so they open a new thread, and old timers take offence at the same questions being asked without people searching.

                        As an 'old timer' (1500 posts qualify me?) I want to clarify that it is not so much the question being asked, but more that a new thread is created to ask the question, rather than just using an existing 'older' thread to ask the question in.

                        For example, if you have a question about whether you can fit 33's to a 120 series, just tack your question onto the closest thread you find (even if it is not an exact match), rather than creating a new thread.
                        NOW FOR SALE!!! - 2004 Silver GXL 3lt 4spd Auto - ARB Bullbar, Safari Snorkel, Redarc Dual Battery System, Cooper ST MAXX, Dark Tint, IPF900XS spots, Raised Bilstein/Kings Suspension/Firestone Airbags, Autosafe Cargo Barrier, Sandgrabbers, Rola Roof Rack Stuff, Insect Screen, Dust/Wind Deflectors, Sheepskin/Black Duck Seatcovers, GME TX3510, ARB underbonnet compressor, Allied Hammer Rims, ARB UVP, [url=""]AJ Sliders[/url]


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by MrStardust View Post
                          I was horrified to get a blatant 'lmgtfy' response and have the thread closed immediately, for my second post.
                          When a poster has a low thread count, lmgtfy is a quick an easy way to show someone how to search and at the same time, have the search results presented. The thread was closed because the answer was in one of the threads. Unfortunately, "Was that so hard" is not my words and some people may take offence. It was not my intention either to offend.

                          Interestingly, the answers weren't really covered in that google search. Maybe they were, but in reality, the google searches web-wide hadn't really uncovered the answers I was looking for, so the same search limited to just pradopoint was going to help me about as much as mobile phone in the middle of the simpson.
                          Hope this helps narrow your search down.

                          I though a forum was a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged . . maybe provoke contributions from others who had experienced something. I've pretty much given up looking for my answers on Pradopoint, rather as a newbie, I'll just sit back and lurk. Not really what a forum is about . . .

                          <heads back to lurking>
                          And you will find that many ideas and views have been exchanged previously. The forum will become harder and harder to search if more and more of the same thread topics gets created. Hence, the reason for your thread closure. It's just a bit of housekeeping :-)


                          • #43
                            The reason we get upset about newbies starting new threads covering old ground is that, experience shows us that many many newbies join, start multiple threads on topics already extensivly covered, once they have the answers to there handful of questions they leave never to be heard of again.

                            I just had a look for one that comes to mind, he has 11 posts, has started 7 new threads, so most threads he never even said thanks for the help. He also sent me dozens of PM's asking really stupid questions that he could have found the answer for without much trouble.

                            And why? Because he is a tight arse trying to save a couple of hundred bucks rather than asking for professional advice, which is fine, except after using up the forum, and me and my time, and who knows who else he Pm'ed, he hasn't visited the forum for the last 3 months.

                            That is the problem in a nutshell, and if I could be bothered looking I could find hundreds of newbies with similar track records.

                            Its the old story.

                            19% of the people do 80% of the work
                            80% of people do 20% of the work
                            1% of people just need to die!

                            Cheers Andrew
                            [COLOR="#FF0000"]So Long and Thanks for all the Fish![/COLOR]

                            [url=]MY PRADO AND DIY CAMPER TRAILER[/url]

                            [url=]MY HZJ79 Landcrusier[/url]



                            • #44
                              Shall we call this attitude evolution? With a theme header as follows. "We endeavor to improve". LMAO!!

                              How is that all the big posters have an adamant opinion to justify there chastising comments?.. Is this the small community within the community?

                              Here is something to get upset about and i am not chastising!!.... Or am i?..


                              In order to get POWER you need the MASS!

                              In order to have the MASS you need the FOLLOWERS!

                              In order to have the FOLLOWERS you need BELIEVERS!

                              I BELIEVE the POWER of PRADOPOINT is judged by its BELIEVERS that has its FOLLOWERS which creates its MASS that gives it its POWER!... Not who has the most posts or who has been a member the longest!

                              So what if you are fed-up of repeating yourself!... Why not put forward productive ideas to the admins/moderators that could stop/reduce repeated questions so that the forum becomes more streamline and reduces such re- accerance....

                              Question: Why do big company's sack grumpy old farts?.... Answer: Because they are bad for business and loose customers... Or this case for higher numbers in members.

                              Picking on / criticising or bullying with smart ass banter does not encourage the mass to grow but rather intimidates!

                              If a new member or low post lurker has been upset for whatever reason then it is up to the more experienced long-termers (With there time and superior experience of course) to be more patient and point them in the right direction with helpful advise in order to help the MASS grow and make this forum create more POWER to which would attract more sponsors based on its MASS which in turn would promote more specials for its members.... Better known as pro-mose!..

                              EG: GTG 2012 So many sponsors, so many giveaways!!!

                              I may have come across a bit deep and political but is it about the forum for the community or is it the community that has formed within the forum?

                              So why don't all yo big posters demonstrate to everyone else how to correct this in-house problem with your years of experience and knowledge to help PRADOPOINT grow.

                              This run-around bickering is hardly fixing an obvious continuous problem that will not go away but will always surface until smart solutions with a fix are brought forward by those grumpies that will only get more grumpy as time goes on.

                              Funny how members originally from this forum are popping up on other forums!..... Id call that a switch-over or moved on!



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by AJ120 View Post
                                And exactly how much have you been putting into your wife

                                Don't answer that, I really don't need to know.

                                Cheers Andrew
                                Financially and physically a lot . Spose that's why I'm still with her after 19 years.

                                White 2009 120 Series D4D GXL manual.


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