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East of Esperance

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  • East of Esperance

    Thought I'd post a few pics of trip I did with my son and a mate between the 28th December and the 3rd January this year, the plan was to follow the old telegraph track east from of Esperance to Eucla as best we could, given the time available.

    It was 45°c the day we left Perth, but apart from the first day, it was mostly cool and overcast with the occasional spitting rain just for good measure.
    After camping the first night west of Norseman on the Hyden Norseman Road we got to Esperance and then headed east.

    A swim was called for at Cape Legrand after the hot trip down from Perth.

    Our second night was spent at Poison Creek in Cape Arid National Park. The park had recently been burnt out by a major bushfire.

    Overlooking the creek mouth, you can see the burnt sections. We camped near the clump of bushes beside the creek.

    The western end of the telegraph track has been closed due to dieback so it was back out to Fisheries Road and on to Israelite Bay

    Just before Israelite Bay is Lake Daringdella.

    Then onto Israelite Bay. There’s not a lot there, but there were lots of groups camping amongst the dunes.

    Point Demspter, Israelite Bay

    Old jetty

    East of Israelite Bay we came across our first pole on the track.

    After failing to find Wattle Camp (due to incorrect GPS coordinates) it was onto the beach to the Bilbunya Dunes. Against our better judgement we got onto the beach not knowing what the tides were, so it was a mad 50km dash up the coast in howling winds, stormy seas and spitting rain.

  • #2
    Seeing the dunes for the first time was a weird experience. Due to the sand whipped up by the wind, the prevailing lighting conditions and their sheer size it was like an optical illusion. Unable to judge distances you couldn’t tell if they were a 100 metres away or 100kms away.
    In the end, the photos I took were a little disappointing as the camera struggled to differentiate between dunes and the clouds. I guess it’s a good excuse to go back.

    But the view from the top was worth the effort

    Then it was onto Wylie Scarp with its rubber mats to assist traction.

    The next day the first stop was Toolina Cove. Believe it or not the telegraph stations in the area were actually supplied by ships who off loaded their cargo here. Better them than me.

    Down the track a little is the Baxter Memorial. Baxter accompanied Eyre across the Nullabor in 1841 but was killed by natives on this spot. A lonely place to die.

    Next it was onto the Baxter Cliffs

    From there it was out to the Eyre Highway to Caiguna as time was running out and we were unsure how much further east we could go without losing the track

    From Caiguna it was a quick dash to the border for the usual photo and an overnight camp before heading out to the Eucla telegraph station and then the Eyre Bird Observatory

    I last visited the Eucla Telegraph Station 30 years ago

    Track into Eyre Bird Observatory

    The old Eyre Telegraph Station, now the Eyre Bird Observatory
    Advanced Member
    Last edited by Rainman; 09-02-2016, 09:31 AM.


    • #3
      Next it was on to Cocklebiddy Cave. Unfortunately since my last visit there had been cave in so you are no longer allowed to enter the cave unless you are experienced and have all the right permissions.

      After an overnight camp just south of the Kambalda turnoff we headed back to reality the next day with a new found appreciation of how tough the early settlers must have been to survive in such harsh conditions.

      Distance travelled = 3600km over 7 days.
      Fuel used = 483 litres
      Cost = $634.48
      Average price per litre $1.30


      • #4
        Thank you very much for the trip report & pictures.
        Love cape le grand area & definitely more exploring to do as you have.

        Isn't it great when we share out trips & good times, so others can be Inspired also.
        Love it!


        • #5
          Great report, thanks for sharing and adding to my list of places to see.
          [B]Dave[/B] - 2010 Silver GXL Prado 150 TD Manual.


          • #6
            I know this is a little after the fact, but I've been playing around with windows movie maker recently and put together some pics and video of this trip.



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