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The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

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  • The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

    Ok guys and gals, finally been inspired by reading Chester's trip and also meeting all you friendly West Australian's to get around to sorting through some photos of our trip which I will attempt to put up here to make you all jealous and inspire you to plan more journeys..

    And I guess I'm not ever going to sell my car to anyone on here as "never been offroad" anymore but that is what it is built for...

    So I've gone to uni and got a bit of paper saying engineering and have worked in a couple of different roles while at uni but I enjoy my fishing, diving, surfing 4x4ing etc too much to work full time.. and so far have successfully avoided it. Living at home has helped me save a decent amount of money while working part time and partly this forum is the reason I am now homeless and loving it.

    I was 24 when we left.. 6 months ago but now I feel 65... Before we left EVERYONE said "oh yea I want to do that one day" (drive round oz) and a few also said "Are you 60?" but seeing as (like alot of people) it's something I wanted to do, why the hell not now?? I have no kids, mortage debt or major responsibilties that I'm bound to encounter one day and also I have a Prado.

    It took a little longer to leave than first anticipated which resulted in us changing the only plan that we had, to travel clockwise from Sydney, and as it got to July before we left there was only one way to go. I had never really done anything similar to this trip and being pretty practical and hands on I wanted everything to be right before we left, partly the reason it took so long to leave.. my old man made several offers that we could take their old caravan but didn't fancy the weight and constraits and Holly said it wasnt very adventurous so there would be none of that...

    The stars must have aligned or something as the best purchase I made, a second hand oztent and alloy roof rack were made from some people selling a set of bfg's and rims which didn't end up fitting, had never heard of an oztent but after I got home and watched the video on their website I was sold so this became our house.

    We have really enjoyed exploring this country which was largely unknown to me besides the obvious and have found that a lot of places you really just need to go there and experience. We have slipped quite comfortably into the lifestyle of getting up whenever the tent is too hot and driving until whenever it's beer o'clock and meeting all the other people on the road...of which it seems a fair percentage are living in Western Australia.

    So the setup wasn't meant to cost much but before you know it the cost doesn't matter and I didn't want things to go wrong on the road, we wanted to rough it, but be comfortable!!!..The intention was to spend as little as possible to get us on the road, safely and comfortably. If the setup was bad we'd be home in a couple of weeks and look pretty silly! which was always an option.

    It started with a 40L Engel which meant dual batteries and then storage drawers. I didn't fancy lifting jerry cans all day and the pvc stormwater chemical thing scared me a little if i'm going to drink it for a year so found a second hand outback tank of 50 something litres which wasn't going to cost much more and the pvc fittings etc so whacked that in beside the engel, welded up a shelf above, ripped out the back seat and made a folding false floor level with the drawers in the rear. Figured a puncture repair kit wasn't much use without a compressor so an arb unit sits under the bonnet. Alloy roof rack holds a second spare, maxtrax & shovel, oztent. I have a heavily pradpoint influenced rear door table too which I now couldn;t go without. I've tried not to add it up but I've probably spent $5k before we left to set the car up but tried to be as economical as possible making lots of stuff and fitting everything myself. I say economical not cheap as you do get what you pay for and i've learnt it's cheaper to buy a quality product once than several cheap nasty items and it doesn't do a Toyota justice to bolt crap onto it! Everything I bought or made I asked myself "What do I do when this breaks in the middle of nowhere?" I guess thats enough or i'll get told this is a build up thread, right?

    40lt engel & bag 1500
    drawers 1000 slam latches 150
    battery 200 isolator & wiring 200
    compressor 350
    water 350
    tent 400
    rack 150
    maxtrax 300

    Yes I have heard of google maps but gave up on it after I got too many points on the route..

    Intention was to have a "Plan B" of sleeping in the car... wasn't so comfortable

    Freediving the wreck at Byron

    I have a car, not a truck..

    This sign says to me "Enough people jump from here safely to justify installing this sign" but no I didn't

    First duct tape fix

    The idiot who overtook me at 120km/h on a road with plenty of stock on it, we had already slipped into grey nomad mode and were cruising around 90. After pulling him out and giving him a "do you think you were going a bit too fast?" he was then too embarrassed to overtake me so we were the pacecar until the next town.. he was trying to pull into a rest area but "didn't see it till it was too late " because he was tailgating the car in front, but tried to turn in anyway. The poor kid in the baby seat in the back got a bit of a fright...

    Lightning Ridge and the start of unusual rainfall in the outback coinciding with our arrival....

    Point taken

    This guy carved out hundreds of carving in this mine, chambers of the black hand, go do it!

    So we pull over for lunch, door open, table down, table covered in lunch stuff "hey it looks a better spot over there"... I dont need to close the back door i'll just drive really smoothly and slowly over there....straight across a deceivingly soft patch. Guy came in with a landcruiser and caravan and was convinced he'd have to pull his van off and snatch me out but I was determined to prove the purchase of the "self-recovery device", proven. But if you are going to get a set get a real shovel aswell.

    A special moment

    Know your strawberries, good strawberry

    BAD strawberry

    Bribie Island inland track, panned out twice, Maxtrax test 2 & 3 no longer scared of sand

    Low tide, check, lowered tyre pressures, check... whats the big deal.. this is like a highway!! - Cooloolah


    Holly's 2nd best friend - Eco billy, metho burning kettle

    Why buy a postcard? Look at that!

    Had to be done

    You'd better believe it!! If you see the wall of the Rainbow beach pub - granted

    Waddy Point - Fraser

    Ngkala rocks on our way back fromt he lighthouse on the north of Fraser

    Lesson learnt, dont leave shoes outside or they will be home to a toad in the morning and later don't leave tent open for too long or they will emerge in the middle of the night and jump on your face!

    The stick that got stuck between my front disc and the thin backing plate inside the disc, drove me mental for a day with a high pitched squeal.

    "When in rome" - Harvey Bay

    Now there's an idea...

    Wow thats a bullbar, don't get them in Sydney town...

    Case 2 of unusual outback rain coinciding with our arrival.. - Birdsville

    Who doesn't need a curried camel pie and a bourbon and coke to kick off the day?

    Poor buggers, "to the bakery" I guess they said when they woke up! We watched more than a dozen vehicles that had to be snatched out of axle deep mud which they had just sunk into overnight with the rain.. apparently the caravan park had been graded for the races so was really nice fine level soil, perfect to suck up a car or camper

    Pretty glad we told the guy we wouldn't fit in the first site he showed us which was only 2m from the water before the storm!!
    Mind you we were still camped in a creek. Holly is the only person in Birdsville with gum boots, and we had to lock the things up!! We could have made a fortune selling them, there were many offers!

    "We don't need to go to the races today we'll just go on Saturday, thats the big day..The only action on the track, the day we went

    Just what every man needs??? One of the things in the museum which has shut down now I believe

    Self explanatory for anyone who has seen it, or google Fred Brophy's boxing tent if you didn't see the doco on the other week which we missed...

    Don't quote me but 6000? I think people all stuckin Birdsville and not one criminal offence...recorded.. very surprising maybe just the right amount of alcohol..

    The only road open out of Birdsville, why not

    Road out to Big Red

    So close but so far, big red, but still 12kms by prado to get to it.


    View West from big red

    Escaping finally

    Eyre Creek

    Thats a bullbar, again

    Rain coming at sunset - Hughenden

    Holly getting hungry... I mean feeding the wallaby - Magnetic Island

    Snake keep Holly in car

    Flies that can bite you through your shirt are not fun

    Tadpoles @ Alligator Creek camping ground

    Worth the side trip - Wallaman Falls

    Haven't seen one like this

    Good idea..noted

    And they call it "roughing it", I've paid money for worse..

    Paronella Park reminded us of temples of Cambodia..

    Big shiny rock - The Empress of Uruguay

    Amazing Colours - Atherton Tableland

    Add car windows to the list of things to close

    You can still do some things...

    Trying my hardest to drive a straight line at 30km/h. 150kms from Kingfisher camp to Lawn Hill gorge took people 3 hours the day before, think we were close to 5 hours.

    So we are the only car that has driven on the road since the rain... yeah I lost it a few times... glad we didn't have any more weight up on the roof rack when doing 180's

    But worth the trip, no doubt.. we unrolled the tent and found nearly a dozen of our amphibious friends from the night before too!

    Mary Cathleen near Mt Isa and old Uranium mine I believe.. didn't realise until after we visited it, good thing we didn't swim in it!! Does explain the unusual water colour

    Should have taken the advice written on this sign - Camooweal Caves

    Not bad skyline but

    This is the point where we gave up on fresh veggies, they wouldn't fit in the engel and this is what they looked like after one day!!!

    So when is it too big? Maybe when you need a truck to pull it?

    Still more dust on theoutside than the inside which is good..

    Devils Marbles are one of the few places left without crazy restrictions of where you can and can't go, what you can photos of and that so I took advantage!

    Mataranka is a stop everyone makes, not hard to see why. Great place to wash the red dust off

    Central Arnhem Road

    Typical Arnhem Land, after recent rain anyway.

    Trying to get some kms under our belt for the next day..

    Another beautiful camp

    It's not the roo's you are worried about hitting

    and you don;t want to drop a wheel into these ruts..

    The Goyder, we had heard so much about.. two crocs over 3m had been pulled out of here a few months earlier with sightings of a monster one.. luckily it was still easily passable as it's 300kms from anything

    Everything is just a bit bigger up north

    Local delicasies

  • #2
    Re: The Oz Zig Zag (under construction)

    Looks like you guys have had a dreadful time.......why did you do it :evil:
    2002 GXL 3.4 auto with BFG AT's, Lovell's/Bilstein suspension, ARB steel bullbar, winch, towbar, diff lock, air compressor, GME UHF & AM CB radios.
    [url=][b]Youtube[/b][/url] [url=][b]Panoramio[/b][/url]


    • #3
      The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

      Sounds like a trip of a lifetime
      I would of loved to do that in my 20's when single and no kids.
      ...If its not on all 4's it's not on.....
      2008 GXL D4D, OME lift, arb bar, IPF 55W HIDs, HID headlights, duel Batteries, Winch, UHF, Safari Snorkel, bfg km2's, arb side awning, rola cage, engel fridge, kaymar rear bar(to fit)


      • #4
        Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

        great wright up luked, keep it coming. It certinly is a different country after a bit of rain.
        2012 GX TD 150 with long mudflaps - [url][/url]
        1996 GXL TD 95 with no mudflaps (sold) - [url][/url]


        • #5
          Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

          I really enjoyed reading this post & seeing the photos as well. I went to the cape @ 24 yrs of age, it was an adventure of a lifetime that I'm still trying to match 22 years later! It gets harder as your family grows so do what you can before then, then it changes a bit to revisting all those spots & sharing them again. Sharing the cape trip I found to be the best part!

          2011 GXL TD Auto Prado Silver


          • #6
            Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

            Great write up i have to stop going out on trips cause last sundays run to the pub had me and Gen saying lets just save hard and get back on the road after meeting you guys

            Ps the offer of a few nights accomodation still stands if you need it
            Dont list all ya mods, you will only be more upset when i get further


            • #7
              Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

              Gald to meat you guys on the weekend. and that write up and pictures really do make you want to hit the road again.
              Thanks for making our crappy jobs seem just that little bit more crappy... :lol:

              Great pics, you sure have seen some great places.

              Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.
              W. C. Fields (1880 - 1946)


              • #8
                Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

                Great story, wonderful photo's and makes an old bugger like me very jealous...but agree it's something you either have to do pre kids or when you are a gray nomad like me....because once the littlies come along it's so much harder...not impossible...but certainly harder.
                150 Silver Diesel GXL Auto with ECB Bullbar, Toyota Factory towbar, Black Widow Drawer system with Fridge slide and cargo barrier, GME UHF 3340 Radio, Waeco 50 Litre Fridge, Rhino Racks and Rhino Basket, ARB Awning, IPF XS Spotties, ABR Sidewinder Dual Battery system,Airtec Snorkel, Bilstien Shockies, King Springs, Poly Airbags and BFG A/T''s. Now towing a semi offroad Lotus Freelander 18.6 Van, with all the bells and whistles.


                • #9
                  Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

                  Hey guys,

                  There is definitely enough to see in this country to keep ya busy for a while. Glad to see a few people are looking through and enjoying the pics we have so many its a bit hard to only put a few up...

                  It has been mostly older and younger people but there are still quite a few young families out there travelling round on extended trips. Definitely alot more work but i'm sure the kids would remember it for the rest of their lives, i know my friends who went on a few mamoth trips as kids loved it. It sure will be hard to beat all the stuff we have seen but we're planning on having a peek at the gibb river, litchfield, kakadu and the cape on the way back so has the potential!

                  It sure beats working for a living but someone has to keep the country running, right? I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I'm chained to a desk somewhere.. or sent to a mine (as Holly keeps suggesting). This retirement age thing keeps getting larger so just figured I would start a bit later too!

                  Yeah its very easy to get insular and not get out and see stuff in the time you have. I am guilty of it for sure but being on the northern beaches of syd it seems like no one ventures too far where as you get out of the city and people drive miles all the time.. so the plan is to make more weekends and day trips once we do start the working thing. Hopefully some of these pics are incentive for others to get out there and enjoy their prado..


                  • #10
                    Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

                    Very jealous..... great write up and fantastic photos mate, well done


                    • #11
                      Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

                      Gday Luke,
                      That is one aweosome write up and the photo are outstanding! looks like you had a great time. It was awesome meeting you guys when we did the fawcett track. Feel free to come back to WA anytime!
                      150 VX diesel. Awesome bonnet protector! Monster Rides 3" Susp Lift, 265/70/17 MT MTZ's on Dick Cepek Torques, TJM T13 bar,TG150 Guard, Airtec Snorkel, Lightforce HID's, GME TX3540, CKMTA12 compressor, redarc dual bats, Drawers, fridgy drop slide, Maxtrax, More to come... one day!
                      [URL=""]My Rig Buildup[/URL]


                      • #12
                        Re: The Oz Zig Zag (sorry photo intense)

                        Some awesome photos there mate, some like you had a great time!!!
                        2014 D4D 150 GXL Automatic - CHARCOAL


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